It begins on the 25th of May 2018. Are you ready?
The General Data Protection Regulation comes into force throughout the EU on the 25th of May this year. It regulates all processing of personal data. Its requirements are comprehensive. Fines for non-compliance will be heavy. However, help is available.
Replacing Sweden’s Personal Data Act, the GDPR comprises no less than 173 recitals and 99 articles. The GDPR aims to increase citizens’ rights and the protection of their data integrity. To achieve this, it imposes strict requirements. Companies and organisations must state how they process data, which data they need and why. Under certain circumstances, it must additionally be possible for individuals to refuse use of their personal data. Increased protection of citizens also includes the “right to be forgotten” (to have data removed).
Any entity that is deficient in its processing of personal data can expect a so-called “administrative fine”. This can be as much as EUR 20 million or four per cent of the company’s or organisation’s global turnover. In Sweden, the Swedish Data Protection Authority is in charge of ensuring compliance with the GDPR.
For companies and organisations that own and process personal data, compliance quite simply revolves around keeping check of their information and data. This can be problematic if, for example, information is archived on microfilm or microfiche. A microfilm can hold 17,000 documents. Finding the right one and removing any content manually is both time consuming and very costly.
The solution is to digitise and index archived information and data.
Depona e-Archive is a professional, cloud-based, digital archive solution that gives you easy and rapid access to the information you really need. All documentation complies with the GDPR. Not least importantly, Depona acts as the Personal Data Processor (PDP) for all customers who archive their personal data with us. If, instead, you need to process and store your information and data using your own software solutions on your own internal servers, we can help scan your microfilm and microfiche material into a digital format and transfer everything to you.
If you are still not ready for GDPR, Depona e-Archive can be an important step along the way to your company or your organisation complying with the imposed requirements – as early as the 25th of May 2018.